Five Ways You Can Be More Fashion Conscious Cherchez La Femme brand

Five Ways You Can Be More Fashion Conscious

It is true that fast fashion has a negative impact on the environment, but it's also important to acknowledge that the fashion industry provides jobs and livelihoods for many people around the world.


In fact, it's one of the largest employers globally, particularly in developing countries. At Cherchez La Femme, we’re not ready to sacrifice style for sustainability. Luckily, we know of a few ways that, with a little effort and creativity, can still make us look good without causing harm to the environment. Today, we’re here to share our secrets with you!


Shop second-hand


Purchasing vintage or second-hand clothing is a great option. Not only does it help extend the lifetime of pre-worn clothes, but it also reduces their negative environmental impact. Moreover, vintage boutiques and online marketplaces offer a vast array of unique treasures that you won't come across elsewhere.


If you are still not convinced about the benefits of purchasing second-hand clothing, here are some additional reasons why you should consider it:

  • It saves money: Shopping for second-hand clothing is a great way to save money. You can find high-quality items at a fraction of the price you would pay for new clothes. Plus, if you are on a tight budget, you can stretch your budget even further by shopping at thrift stores or garage sales.
  • It's a sustainable option: By purchasing second-hand clothing, you are helping to reduce the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills. The textile industry is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution, and buying second-hand is a small but impactful way to help reduce its negative impact.
  • It's a great way to find unique items: Vintage clothing is often one-of-a-kind, and you can find some real treasures when shopping for second-hand clothing. Whether you are looking for a vintage band t-shirt, a unique dress, or a statement jacket, you are sure to find something that will make you stand out from the crowd.

So, whether you are looking to save money, reduce your environmental impact, or find unique items, second-hand clothing is a great option to consider. Some of our favourite places to find second-hand and vintage are Untagged, Vinted, Depop and of course, if you have time to do some in person shopping, the classic car vintage fair!

Calculate your cost per wear

When it comes to clothing, the true value can be subjective. It's not just about the sales tag; you should also consider how frequently you'll wear the item. Before making a purchase, do some calculations by dividing the cost of the item by the number of times you plan on wearing it. You may discover that the £200 dress you'll wear 20 times is a better investment than the £20 dress you'll only wear once.

CPW is a personalised method of determining the true value of your clothing, beyond just the initial cost. By using a simple formula, CPW aids in making informed decisions about whether to purchase, wear, or part ways amicably with an item. This is how you can calculate your CPW.


Support local designers

In recent times, small independent brands with sustainable production models have become more prevalent. By disregarding the fast-paced fashion cycle and creating year-round pieces or limited seasonal collections, these brands are making a statement. Additionally, they tend to manufacture their clothing locally, near their stores, to reduce the staggering CO2 emissions caused by shipping garments worldwide.

Each purchase made from local designers boosts craftsmanship in the area and helps support  independent businesses to thrive.


Learn about textiles

To make more informed decisions when shopping for clothing, consider researching fabric production and finding brands that use recycled fibres and more natural and sustainable materials like hemp, organic cotton, and Tencel. Mainstream fashion often relies on materials like elastics, nylon, and polyester that contain plastic. However, we must remember that plastic does not biodegrade and can have a long-lasting impact on the environment as it takes up to 1000 years to decompose when not properly disposed of.

Our sister brand, Scarlet Destiny, has a great array of articles exploring the sustainability of textiles. Check them out here to learn more!


Learn how to mend or make clothes yourself

If you've lost interest in a particular item of clothing, don't toss it aside. Instead, consider revamping it. Learn the fundamentals of sewing so that you can patch up any holes, replace any missing buttons, alter the fit to suit your preference, add new decorations, or give it a fresh coat of dye.


Transforming your clothes into something new (or just mending them) not only saves you money, but it also helps reduce waste and contributes to a sustainable lifestyle. If you’re not even sure where to start with this, we’ve got some great resourced where you learn the basics while having a great time:

  • Learn Knitting With Colechi: YKWU (You can Knit With Us) is Colechi's very own knitting club that launched at the Tate Britain in January 2022. YKWU started as a way to encourage people to take part in the art of producing fashion through knitting; and to change the idea of who can knit. A great way to learn this lost art and learn how to make and mend your clothes too!
  • Take a summer class with Stitch n Bitch: This group changes location all the time, but it’s one of the best ways to learn how to knit, sew, mend and make clothes from scratch. You can check out their upcoming events here.


By revamping your old clothes or creating your own, you can create a brand new wardrobe without spending a lot of money. Plus, you'll feel proud of yourself for up-cycling and reducing your carbon footprint. Give it a try and see what creative ideas you can come up with!


[info sourced on, All images sourced on]


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